This will be a very personal post. VERY.
A couple months ago, me and my boyfriend argued about goals in life. I think every once in a while couples go through that... Where is this relationship going and all the stuff. Then, in a calm, warm afternoon, he calls me up to see something. A piece of ground, where it will be OUR house. And I was so happy. From 2 streets up, you can see a little bit of the city (first and second photo). Then we took a ride on the complex (it’s a house complex, it has - actually will have - tennis courts, playground and all these facilities) and then as we were leaving, the sky was literally on fire. It was so beautiful. Probably one of the most incredible sunsets I’ve ever saw. I don’t believe in many things, but I want to believe it was a way of my late father say “don’t worry. I’m not there, but I’m here. And everything will be alright"
Nikon F100
50mm 1.8 D
Fuji Pro 400H