Monday, July 21, 2014


there's this park near my house that once was a sanatorium. It may sound creepy, but it isn't. People use to treat tuberculosis in there, because of all the green area. And it was many years a go. These days, there's a lot of bunnies and rabbits and some birds playing around. The buildings now belong to the city hall and people go there to jogging, walking or just to contemplate. Anyways. I was photographing the bunnies, then the guy came in to feed and he was so gentle with the black one I wanted to take a picture, but he ran away faster then a bullet. haha.

And then, as we were leaving, my boyfriend wanted to play around with the camera. He said it wasn't working, so I asked him what is was, and he took a shot of me. That's why I have this funny face. In real life I'm much more nice, I promise.