Tuesday, July 29, 2014

my girls

More pictures from my girls because I can't get enough of them. They are my brother's daughters. The youngest is also my goddaughter, as I told you here.

Cassia is the older and taller. She is taller than me (not so hard to be) and is now 12 years old. Time runs fast. I still can remember perfectly the day she was born and when I first held her. She was so little. I thought I could never love someone this much. Until Alice was born. When my sister-in-law got pregnant, my brother invited me and my boyfriend to be her godparents. And I had this stupid fear of not loving her as much as I already loved Cassia. But I don't need to say how silly this fear was, right? I love them both equally, like they were both my kids. My girls. And they know that. When Cassia was born, I was starting to learn about photography, and when Alice was born I had just  bought my first camera. I have been documenting their lives since they can remember. Funny to see how my photography mature at the same time they are maturing.

Photographer Sao Paulo Lifestyle

Photographer Sao Paulo Lifestyle

Photographer Sao Paulo Lifestyle

Photographer Sao Paulo Lifestyle

Nikon F100
35mm f1.4
Portra 160