I don't know if you noticed, but I love cats. My baby Boris is the brother of the lovely Dory. She lives with my brother, his wife and their 2 beautiful girls (Dory became Dory because when we adopted them (we adopted together), we thought they were both male, so I named mine Boris and my brother and his girls named theirs Nemo. A few weeks later we realize she was a female so we changed to Dory, lol). Now Dory had kids! 2 of them were already adopted, there's still 3 more to go. One of them is really shy, so he wasn't in the mood for photos. Bat and CJ were more friendly, though.
CJ and Bat |
Bat and CJ |
the lovely Dory |
my Boris Becker |
We are a human family who shares a cat family. Or something like that.