Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Cat Lover

I don't know if you noticed, but I love cats. My baby Boris is the brother of the lovely Dory. She lives with my brother, his wife and their 2 beautiful girls (Dory became Dory because when we adopted them (we adopted together), we thought they were both male, so I named mine Boris and my brother and his girls named theirs Nemo. A few weeks later we realize she was a female so we changed to Dory, lol). Now Dory had kids! 2 of them were already adopted, there's still 3 more to go. One of them is really shy, so he wasn't in the mood for photos. Bat and CJ were more friendly, though.

CJ and Bat

Bat and CJ

the lovely Dory

my Boris Becker
We are a human family who shares a cat family. Or something like that.